A Standing Desk For A Studio, Why?

After I posted a photo of my home studio on Reddit I noticed that a lot of people found it interesting to see an adjustable desk in a (home) music studio, so this post is dedicated to the adjustable desk. I got the one I’m using right now after my girlfriend switched jobs and didn’t need it anymore. I wanted to test it out and I have no regrets.

When picking an adjustable desk for your music studio, there are certain things to think about. For example the functionality. It should be installed to help you get the best out of your studio session, so make sure all the cables are organized and wired in a way that it doesn’t matter if your desk is up or down. 

Some questions you need to answer: Will it fit in your studio? How much weight can it handle? Are you going for a full desk or an adjustable desk like mine?

Below are some advantages that come with a standing/adjustable desk and standing more.

Burn more calories

Standing compared to sitting burns more calories. Research from Startstanding shows that when I sit in the studio for 8 hours a day 5 days a week I burn 635 calories per day and 3179 per work week. When I stand for half of the time (4 hours standing and 4 hours sitting) I burn 969 calories per day and 4845 per week. That is a difference of more than 1600 calories in one week, 83.200 per year. It’s not the same as a night of clubbing or a day at a festival, but hey, everything helps!

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Health benefits

Studies have shown that using a standing desk can lower blood sugar levels, may lower the risk of heart disease, reduce back pain and help improve mood and energy levels. Making music can be healthy too!

Productivity boost

Being healthy and feeling good can also boost your productivity. When you’re feeling good and fit and have more concentration and focus, you can get a lot more work done than when you are feeling tired and lazy. There is nothing better than a good productive day in the studio.


Especially for my type of field, Techno Music, we’re used to stand/walk/dance at festivals or in clubs. When I stand while producing I can imagine how the sound would impact me when I would stand on a dance floor. It gets my feet moving faster compared to listening to the music while sitting.

DJ’s don’t play music sitting

You probably haven’t seen a DJ performing on a big festival while sitting. DJ-ing is mostly a standing job, so to be able to stand in the studio reconnects your brain to the activity of playing in a club or at a festival. Let that clubbing energy flow through your body!

Sources: Healthline, Startstanding
